I need some mental floss

May 31st, 2004 / #complaints, #music

It’s super annoying when you get songs stuck in your head. It could happen because of any influence; I find it to occur when I hear a song right before I go to sleep or as I get off of the bus going to school. And all day (or until another nestles itself within the friendly confines of your memory), you’re whistling and singing that bloody song over and over again. Even when you have to be quiet, respectful, or the like – there you are, gently humming it until someone hits you on the back of your head. It is as if your head is a broken jukebox hit too hard by the Fonz that unceasingly permeates that one song.

It wouldn’t be so bad if you knew the song, either. But you just have a general idea of the chorus and a vague recollection of the tune. So you hum the tune and think the lyrics until you get to the point of the song that you don’t know; then you start again, as if you were given the holy power to alter, nay, completely slaughter the song in question. This process goes on for hours, in some cases days, until one of two things happens: you die, or another stupid song stages a coup and throws the currently domineering ditty from power within the realm of your consciousness.

And so I leave you now, wishing to purge Kansas’ Carry On My Wayward Son from my mind.

There are 2 comments. Such a lively discussion!

  1. Kyle spoke up on October 15, 2005.

    damn now i got that song stuck in my head

  2. Taryn spoke up on October 15, 2005.

    What really sucks is when you really dont know the lyrics, but the damn song is in your head, so you fill in your own words which somewhat flow into the tune and then you sing it around people and look like a retard.

    Or maybe thats just me

Sorry, but comments are closed. Some things are best said in a vacuum.

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