The 1985 Toyota Minivan that Could

January 18th, 2004 / #awesomeness, #random

Today I woke up at eleven, moped around the house for a while, and then saw the strangest thing I have ever laid eyes upon:

I live on a semi-busy road in the heart of Clearwater, cars pass all day. Suddenly a truck (rented – I could make out the Home Depot decals on the side) pulling a trailer with a beige 1985 Toyota Minivan stops in the middle of the road and out pops a woman in her 40s(?) from the passenger seat. Like any sensible person, I assumed they were having car trouble. Oh how wrong I was.

Suddenly this lady pulls down her pants and commences urination – in broad daylight and in plain view of my virgin eyes. After she’s done and the puddle of humanly fluid was quite sizable, she zipped up, got back into the truck, and continued on her way.

Thus ended the oddest sight in the history of my meaningless existence.

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  1. mike spoke up on August 6, 2006.


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    I'm a nobody from Florida with things to say (sometimes).

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