(cute x cuddly) = math

November 14th, 2005 / #highschool

I hate math. With a passion. I think it was my experience last year in Calculus that turned me off to it. It was a combination of three things, really: the teacher, the fact that I couldn’t do it, and the teacher. But I digress. I hate math.

The only thing that makes the two hour block that occurs every three days bearable are the cute and motivational signs on the walls of the mathematics classroom.

There’s the classic “Cute and cuddly is IN!” poster that features a picture of a cute kitten. While it doesn’t particularly stimulate me to take any integrals or find x in any way, I’ll be darned if that’s not the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.

Or is it? There are also some posters on the wall that, in addition to being cute, have actual motivational messages and stimulating undertones. The only problem is that none of these slogans have anything to do with the photo with which they are presented.

There’s on with a picture of a kitten that has gone and gotten himself stuck in a water pitcher. Oh, you silly little kitty. It reads, “Half of being smart… is knowing what you’re dumb at.”

I’ll just ignore that ellipsis for the time being and focus on content. Being dumb has nothing to do with a cat in a pot, aside from the fact that the idea of a cat in a pot is pretty dumb. Maybe the sign makers were trying to tell us that they were no good at their jobs and, thus, they were halfway smart by planting a subtle message in the form of two pounds of adorable feline in one over sized jug.

This trend continues across the walls of the classroom. Apparently, our teacher is an avid fan of puppies, kittens, and little fragments of pep talks. And, you know, I wouldn’t have it any other way. Those little buggers make math fun.

Well, as fun as math can be.

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  1. Angus Hill spoke up on December 3, 2005.

    AVID fan eh? Throw in ipso facto next time and you’re good to go.

Sorry, but comments are closed. Some things are best said in a vacuum.

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