Healthy Criticism

January 13th, 2005 / #complaints, #politics

Lately, I was conversing with my brother Ian, one of the few people in my life who bothers to challenge me with important and intellectual thought, and we noticed a phenomenon that sneaked up on the mindless sheep of American society seemingly overnight. You’d have to be blind to not see it, but at the same time, you’d have to be painstakingly cynical to let it bother you. Ladies and gentlemen, a cynic has entered the building.

Of course, it’s the sudden fad to put those silly little magnetic ribbons on the back of your car. I don’t intend to challenge the messages conveyed by such magnets, though I would like to point out that when you slap one of those babies on the back of your automobile, you look like a mindless dolt of a follower of pop culture. Furthermore, if you have more than one on your trunk, you look even sillier. But perhaps the most self-degrading aspect of these Liberty and Freedom Magnets is the fact that a good percentage of persons who dare to muck up their otherwise perfectly good cars by putting these absurd things on sideways. Honestly, how educated do you come off if you cannot simply align your ribbon correctly?

Sigh. Way to go, general public. Glad to know they gave you licenses.

There are 4 comments. Such a lively discussion!

  1. Ian spoke up on October 15, 2005.

    Dude…where do they sell those Lance Armstrong bracelets again?

  2. Mike Nelson spoke up on October 15, 2005.

    Theres a sideways one on the back of my car.

    But let me tell you, nothing to do with pop culture or even the message on it, I don’t care about that.

    Simply put I’m a die hard capitalist and they say that putting those things on there can keep your capital out of the hands of the local state trooper.

    Tag on an extra 10 miles up to my speed limit, oh and while you’re at it, end the war in Iraq, its fucking up my gas prices, now BP is stealing my capital.

    Now maybe one of these days I’ll flip it all the way upside down and smear some blood on it.

    I do have a bottle of fake blood….
    Oh and remember, hail satan!…the rent’s cheaper in hell

    Once I start driving around without my stupid father some other stuff will most likely accompany it, probably some sarcastic remark about my being worth more than everyone else alive.

    Just so you know, I contemplated not putting this up.

  3. ... spoke up on October 15, 2005.

    You do understand why a lot of people put those sideways don’t you? It’s not because when one hits his car his hand slips. But rather.. hmm. By putting it sideways, it not only serves its own purpose, but also serves the purpose of another symbol commonly seen on cars. It’s in the shape of a fish. Kill two birds with one stone. You have a fish and a ribbon. Actually kinda clever eh? :)

  4. Casey spoke up on October 15, 2005.

    Wow, this post was not well recieved. I’ll go back to writing sugar-coated manifestos about spoons and stuff.

    In response to the fish thing: Why didn’t I see that before? And if I didn’t notice, who will?

Sorry, but comments are closed. Some things are best said in a vacuum.

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    I'm a nobody from Florida with things to say (sometimes).

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